A ‘let that shit go!’ breakthrough

I had a huge shift in my thinking and it feels so damn good!  Once again, I learned I’ve just gotta let that shit go!

I’ve let that shit go!

Since the COVID-quarantine began, I’ve consciously worked to release the limiting beliefs, misaligned values, resentments, and unhelpful behaviors that have stood in the way of the thing I really want – to create healing spaces for professional Black women.

One night, before going to sleep, I asked for guidance. And yep, the Universe spoke to me in my dreams. Lots of words were flashing in the darkness. A booming voice said – “Let go of striving!  Stay in the present.”

Although I’d been swimming in the deep end of the slow-down-connect-with-my-heart-find joy-be-present (metaphorical) pool for the past 5 years, this message hit me like a ton of bricks.

I have come to understand how my striver’s mindset has not always been helpful – fear of failure, perfectionism, overworking/overperforming, ignoring need to replenish or rest. But this dream was not about my mind getting a clue. In this dream, my body needed to get on board. So I felt it.

I felt the quick pulses of the flashing words and the heavy vibration of the voice move through my body. This lasted for what seemed like several minutes. And then I felt open, peaceful, lighter, and excited.  And the coolest part? I still feel this way because I’ve let that shit go – like for real!

By living for the result/outcome/end game, I miss out on so much of my life.  By being focused on the destination, I often ignore or resent everything in between (good and bad). When the end isn’t exactly what I expected/planned/wanted then I feel like a failure. Like it was all for naught.  That’s crazy y’all!

It may have taken me a minute (or several decades), but I know this is what’s meant by “all there is, is the journey.”  Life happens in between.


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