Restore: A 3-Month Group Program

A Restoration Of Your Nutritional Foundation

It’s time. You feel like crap. You want more and the Coronavirus quarantine has made it all the more apparent. You know you need to make some serious diet changes. Now.

You’re tired of being tired all the time, of not feeling good, of carrying excess weight, and not being sure you have the immunity or health to fight an illness. You want to finally feel great.

Using the principles of Ayurveda, you will explore the key aspects of a healthy diet – quality, rhythm, environment, and individual needs – and develop lasting habits that fuel your body and mind for all that you want to accomplish in your day and life.

Will you commit to giving yourself the basic self-care required to function at your best in this world? Are you ready to embrace self-care as a revolutionary act? Join me and a group of like-minded, equally committed women.

What Will You Learn?

Throughout the Restore program, you will be resetting your body and recharging your mind. You will learn:

  • Your Ayurvedic constitution and how it can serve as a blueprint for your emotional, mental, and physical health
  • What are whole foods and why they are the foundation to healthy eating
  • What foods make you feel your best (or worst)
  • How the food-mood connection plays out in your life
  • The physiology of stress and how it affects your mind and body

What Will You Leave With?

At the end of these 3 months, you can expect to experience a variety of benefits including:

  • Increased energy
  • Better sleep
  • Improved digestion
  • Decreased/eliminated sugar cravings
  • Sustainable weight loss
  • A healthy way of eating you can maintain
  • A deep understanding of your unique dietary needs and what to eat
  • Better cooking and meal planning skills

What’s Included?

  • Eight,  90-minute group sessions (4 weekly, 4 bi-weekly)
  • Two,  30-minute private sessions (1 at program kick-off, 1 after week 6)
  • Unlimited email/social media support between sessions
  • Program materials

Meeting dates are on Thursday from 12-1:30pm: January 14, 21, 28; February/March 4 and 18, and April 1st

Ready to RESTORE?
Program Cost: $897 (paid in full); $325 monthly