“Awarness Cures.” – Fritz Perls

I hope many of you accepted my invitation to participate in Deepak Chopra’s 21-Day Meditation Challenge on Perfect Health.  Has one centering thought resonated with you more than any other? I really love this centering thought:  “With awareness, I create healthy habits.” You could put the emphasis on any of these words:  “With awareness, I…
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The Perfect Time for Peace and Quiet

Winter can be a really tough season for many. Besides the fact it’s cold and dark, it’s also a time when we usually have to work hard to counter the urge to just snuggle up on the couch with a book and a cup of tea. Call me in April! I would normally see this…
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A Resolution to Feel Good About

What would your life be like if you resolved to focus on feeling good for the next year? Isn’t that more compelling than resolving to losing weight, exercising more, or eating better? Feeling good allows for so many more possibilities to feed your mind, body, and soul. So, what would make you feel good? What…
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