Wow! I’m Shocked and Thrilled.

I would never have believed this if I weren’t experiencing it for myself. It’s been 6 years since I hit-the-wall and exited from corporate America. It’s been 15 years since I started my healing journey and as noted in Deepak’s latest 21-Day Meditation Challenge called Making Every Moment Matter, “I experience the healing power of…
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The Link Between Your Health And Our Health

Back in July, I talked about how distressing I find the current political and cultural environment. Thankfully I have moments of hope and optimism. I know this turmoil is leading us somewhere more peaceful, just and equitable and I want to do my part to help create that better place. What can you and I…
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Do You Keep Your Emotions On Lockdown?

I have to warn you. This newsletter is longer than the usual 250 words. It’s been over 9 months since I’ve written a newsletter and I wanted to share why I’ve largely been silent – why I barely talked to friends and family and didn’t communicate with my tribe of WOBO women.  The easy answer…
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What’s Behind Your New Year’s Resolutions?

I’m sure you’ve either written or given serious thought to what you want to accomplish in 2017. One of the things I’ve realized is how in the past I would write my new year’s resolutions from a place of fear. I didn’t know it then but I realize it now. Fear is an asset if our…
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Backsliding Happens

Hello friends! Life has been quite a whirlwind lately… Last month, my husband and I sold our home of 18 years. Much like 4 years ago when I left my career of 23 years, with such a significant transition there is an influx of emotions: excitement, sadness and fear. On any given day, I swung between all…
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Making Lightness The New You

This was the title for Day 8 of the current 21-Day Meditation Challenge. I usually hound everyone I know to give it a try when a new one is starting. Read more. I did a bad job of that this time but I do hope that many of you have been enjoying Deepak’s latest meditation. I…
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Afraid To Take Time For Yourself?

Many of us often feel that taking care of ourselves is selfish. We feel guilty for taking a much needed break when everyone else has so much they want or need from us. We can’t let them down. They depend on us. Recently, I had dinner with several female colleagues and friends – most with demanding…
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Is This You? Joyous Success Can Be Yours!

Her name is Susan and she’s the #2 person at work. She’s in the fast-paced media world where the workday never seems to end. She’s 38, a wife and mother of a toddler. She is feeling really off and out of balance. She is having trouble conceiving. During her first session, Susan expresses her frustration…
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A New Year’s Toast: To Your Joyous Success

  So long to exhaustion, disconnection, and feeling overwhelmed. Hello energy, balance, and JOY! “Joy is the difference between thriving and striving.” – Maya Angelou I love this quote from Maya Angelou. As a WOBO woman who hit-the-wall, I read this often to remind myself of a basic life ingredient. Joy had often been missing…
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Why I Love Ayurveda and I Think You Will Too

As a former WOBO woman who hit-THE-wall, I have walked a seven-year journey back to health and vitality. Of all the tools, approaches, and philosophies I’ve learned and explored, Ayurveda is the one that has most transformed my life. What is Ayurveda? In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means “the science of life.” It is a 5,000-year-old medical system…
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